
How To Convert Leads Into Customers With Strategic Customer Journey Map?

It is difficult for the specialists of your company to penetrate the minds of customers. You may be wondering why a targeted audience spends so much time looking at your selection of products,  and services pages, and then just closing the tab. Why does it take your customers multiple steps to get from A to B when they only have to go one.

Whatever the confusion, the main reason is that you probably don’t have a clear idea of the customer’s route when meeting a company. A customer journey is the process of interaction between a customer and a company leading to the achievement of a goal.


The consumer interacts with companies in a way that is difficult to track. From getting brand information via social media to receiving a thank you email after a successful transaction. Between these events, he usually goes through many different stages.

You cannot guess or predict them from your point of view. The customer journey is highly dependent on the environment. Thus, the best way to understand customer routes is to interview them.

What Is Customer Journey Map?

A customer journey map is a visual representation of the stages that a customer or potential customer goes through with your company to achieve a goal. With this diagram, you can understand customer motivation клиентов their needs and pain points. 

However, simply understanding the customer journey is usually not enough. It is best presented as a chart that you and others can refer to as a data source. This is where customer route mapping comes into play.

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How To Develop A Customer Journey Map?

The best way to visually show how a customer interacts with the business is to draw a diagram. Most customer journey diagrams start with Excel spreadsheets. They record key events, customer motives, and obstacles along the way. This information is then combined into a detailed picture that describes a typical customer experience with your company.

By understanding these relationships, you can understand how to structure touchpoints and design the most efficient process for your customers. The client route map displays the current process, from the first to the last touch. You will be able to see if your customers are currently meeting their goals and, if not, how they can do it.

Customers often take a cyclical, multi-channel journey back and forth. Since the customer journey can no longer be represented as a line from A to B, the stages can be difficult to plot on the diagram.

For this reason, seasoned business leaders use a variety of ways to represent the path, from post-it leaflets on the boardroom wall to Excel spreadsheets and infographics. The main thing is that the scheme makes sense for those who will use it.

However, before you can dive into creating a customer route, you need to first collect data about your customers and potential customers . The process of creating an effective customer route map is time consuming but valuable.

Why Customer Journey Map Important?

You may be saying to yourself, “It doesn’t seem like I or the company really need it. We understand the needs and pain points of clients, thank you very much. ” Perhaps this is the case on a superficial level. 

However, identifying the stages that the client goes through, correlating each step with a goal, and adjusting the touch points accordingly are important steps towards maximum client satisfaction. After all, everything you do should be geared towards solving customer problems and helping them achieve long-term success with your product or service.

1. You Can Refocus Your Company On Inbound Marketing.

Instead of targeting customers with direct advertising, use inbound marketing. Let them find you on their own. Traditional marketing involves tactics that ineffectively target a general or disinterested audience. This is an advertisement that tries to distract customers from their daily life.

This kind of marketing is expensive and ineffective. It annoys and scares off customers and leads. Engaging marketing is about creating interesting and useful information that your customers are already looking for. The content first grabs their attention, and only then the sale takes place.

By mapping the customer journey, you will be able to understand why your company and website are interesting and useful, and what scares away visitors. Accordingly, you will be able to create content that will attract people to your company and maintain relationships.

2. You Can Create A New Target Customer Base.

If you don’t fully understand the customer route, you probably also don’t fully understand their demographics and psychography. This is dangerous. Re-targeting an audience that is too wide, rather than those who will be interested in your products, services and content, is a waste of time and money.

Studying the needs and pain points of typical customers and planning their routes will give you a good idea of the people who are trying to reach their goals with your company. This way, you can hone your marketing for that specific audience.

3. You Can Create A Customer-Centric Approach In The Company.

As the company grows, it becomes more difficult to coordinate all departments in a way that is as customer-centric as the service desk. Marketing goals and sales plans in departments can often be unrelated to what the customers themselves want.

A clear customer journey map can be shared with the entire organization. The great thing about these diagrams is that they show every step of the customer ー from interest in a product or service to service support after purchase. And yes, it is about marketing, sales and service.

Based on this, you cannot deny the importance of a customer itinerary scheme. So we’ve outlined the steps to create the best schema to help your company and customers thrive.

How To Create A Customer Journey?

1. Set Clear Goals For The Outline :  Before you move on to creating a schematic, you should ask yourself why you are making it in the first place. For what purposes are you creating this scheme? Who is she about? What experience is it based on? 
With this in mind, you need to develop an image of a typical customer. This is an imaginary person with demographic characteristics and psychological characteristics who is your average client. A clear customer avatar helps remind you to target every aspect of your schema to their needs.
2. Create Portraits Of Typical Clients And Define Goals For Each Type :  
Now you need to do your research. With the help of questionnaires and tests, you can get valuable feedback from customers. It is important to reach out to real clients or potential clients. 

Here are some examples of good questions:

  • How did you hear about the company?
  • What first attracted you to our site?
  • What goals do you want to achieve with the help of our company? In other words, what problems are you trying to solve?
  • How much time do you usually spend on our site?
  • Have you already bought something from us? If so, what was the deciding factor?
  • Have you ever visited our website to buy but didn’t buy anything? If so, why?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how easy is it for you to navigate our site?
  • Have you ever needed help from customer support? If so, how helpful was the communication on a scale of 1 to 10?
  • What else can we do for you to facilitate your interaction with our company?

3. Highlight Target Customers : 

Once you’ve learned about the different types of customers that interact with your business, you need to narrow your focus to one or two of them. Remember that the customer journey reflects the experience of one avatar, which with your company goes along a certain route. If you combine too many reps into one diagram, it won’t accurately represent the customer experience. 

If this is your first time creating a diagram, it is best to choose the most common customer avatar and consider the route they usually take when they first encounter the company. Don’t worry about the reps you left out, as you can always go back and create a new schema for these types of customers. 

4. List All Touch Points :

Touch points are places on the site where customers can interact with you. After reviewing the analytics, you should make a list of all the touchpoints of customers and prospects, and a list of the touchpoints that you think they should use if there is no overlap.

This is an important step in creating a customer route map as it gives you an idea of what actions your customers are taking. If they use fewer touchpoints than expected, does that mean they are withdrawing from further communication and leaving your site early? If there are more touches than expected, does this mean that your site is complex and you need to take several steps to reach the final goal?

In any case, knowing the touchpoints will help you understand the goals of your customers and understand how to make your site more user-friendly. This does not only apply to your site. You need to look at all the places where the client can meet you on the Internet. For example:
  • Social networks
  • Paid advertising
  • Newsletter
  • Reviews on third-party review sites and company mentions
  • Google your brand name and look at all the pages that mention you. Sign up with Google Analytics and check where your traffic is coming from.
Narrow down the list to the most common touch points that you can associate an action with.
5. Actions :

Make a list of actions customers take when interacting with your brand. This can be a Google search for keywords or a click on a link from an email. The list can be long. It’s good. Later, you will have the opportunity to reorganize the information.

It is important to recognize when customers are expected to take too many steps to achieve their goals. Reducing the number of steps a customer needs to take can be risky, but it pays off with higher conversion rates.

6. Emotions And Motivation :

All marketing is a result of cause and effect. Likewise, every action your client takes is dictated by emotion. And your client’s emotions will change depending on which part of the journey the client is on. 

The emotional driving force behind each client’s action is usually pain or a problem. Knowing this will help you deliver the right content at the right time so you can soften the customer’s emotional journey with your company.

7. Obstacles And Pain Points :

Find out what barriers prevent your client from taking action. One of the common barriers is cost. For example, a person might be enjoying your product but abandoned the checkout when they discovered unexpectedly high shipping rates.
When you identify potential roadblocks to the customer, you can mitigate them. For example, create an FAQ page that answers common questions about shipping costs.  
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