Why would you want to work in a shared office space? There are many advantages to this kind of work arrangement. Let’s look at a few of them.
First, you have more flexibility when working in a shared office space. You don’t have to sign a lease, so you can leave the building whenever you like. You also get a private desk, wifi, and many office amenities included in your price.
If you have a bunch of people who need to work together for a day, a shared office environment can accommodate you with different seating arrangements and meeting rooms. Whatever setup you need, most shared office spaces can offer you something.
Second, working in a shared office space can make you less lonely. When you work out of your home all the time, you can get isolated and this can affect your creativity. With a bunch of creative professionals around you, you’ll feel a sense of community and a feeling of belonging quickly. Many people who used to work at home exclusively like working in a shared office space.
Third, you have more control over your job. Most shared offices can be accessed day or night. Whenever you get the most work done, you can go to your shared office space.
On a similar note, going to an office gives a person a sense of a routine. Too much time at home can make it hard to set a routine and pattern in your work. There are many distractions at home and getting into an office space can make you stay on task longer.
Last, people who work in shared office spaces tend to find their work more meaningful. You will be working with people from many different companies and backgrounds. There is no competition or politics because you aren’t around these people all the time. This can build a sense of meaning and collaboration that can make all of your more productive.
When you work with different people from different companies and projects, it can make your work seem more interesting and meaningful. Just being able to communicate with people regularly on your work projects can make you feel more meaning and purpose in your work.
We think you should try working in a shared office space for a few months and see if the benefits are as great as we think they are.